A brief history of theories and political documents, on environmentalism:
1962 Silent Spring, by writer and biologist Rachel Carson, makes strong social impact in the US.
1963 US Congress passes the Clean Air Act, stemming from the 1955 Air Pollution Control Act.
1968 While on the Apollo Mission, Bill Andera inked the first photograph of the Earths now Known as Earth Risse.
1969 Friends of the Earth is founded by former Sierra Club director David Brower.
1969 The US Congress passes the National Environmental Policy Act.
1970 20 million people attend the first Earth Day in San Prances. US.
1970 General Majors promises what he calls "pollution form" within ten years.
1971 Greenpeace is founded in Vancouver, Canada. Greenpeace International forms in 1979.
1972 The UN Conference on the Human Environment is held, establishing the UN Environment Programme (UNEP).
1972 Norwegian philosopher Arne Naess coins the phrase, deep ecology.
1973 The Chipko Movement starts in India when Himalayan villagers protest the cutting down of trees.
1976 In Brazil, rubber rapper Francisco Chico Mendez, leads the first standoff over logging in the Amazon.
1976 The National Anatomy of Silences relapses a report that CFC paces ore the cause of a damaged ozone Layer.
1977 Kenyan grass roots organization, Green Belt Movement, is founded by Waangari Matthai.
1978 The US Congress passes the National Energy Act, Endangered American Wilderness Act and Antarctic Conservation Act.
1979 The Earth First! Movement is Founded by Dave Foreman, Howie Wolke and Mike Roselle.
1979 In Gaia Theory, James Lovelock argues that the whole surface of the Earth, including all forms of life, corrects itself.
1980 The Global 2000 Report, by President Carter's advisors, rallies for international environmental support.
1982 The UN passes the World Charter for Nature, with 111 in favour and 1 against (US)
1982 The Research Found on for Silence. Technology and Ecology is Founded in New Dethi, India.
1987 Our Common Future report defines sustainability as: "meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs."
1988 The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is established.
1989 Eight countries sign the Amazon Declaration.
1992 The Earth Summit is held to discuss environmental concerns.
1994 The IPCC issue a report warning of serious long tem harmful effects from greenhouse gas build up.
1994 The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC) is adopted and considered to be a significant step forward.
1996 The International Standards Organisation in Geneva. Switzerland announces the ISO14001 standard.
2002 Architect William McDonough and chemist Michael Braungart argue for a new post-Industrial Revolution design paradigm in Cradle to Cradle.
2002 The World Summit on Sustainable Development (also called Rio + 10) is held in South Africa.
2005 The Kyoto Protocol is ratified, after Russia's agreement, but still without the US.
2005 The Energy Policy Act is passed and offers tax credits for fuel and energy efficient products.
2005 John Thackara's In the Bubbic, proposes a world with less technology and suggests service design.
2006 The Asia-Pacific partnership on Clean Development and Climate is formed.
2006 The Stern Report is published, claiming that it is in the world's best economic interests to address climate change.
2007 British Parliament passes the Climate Change Bill, the first legal government commitment to cut greenhouse gas emissions.