Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Stuff I Learned

From my research i have realised that a bigger issue for designers is professional ethics as this is something they have complete control over. They can't stop a large corporation from polluting or profiting from a third world country.

They can't single-handedly stop the lack of real, dedicated recycling in developed countries. They remain against the things that offend their personal ethics - their morals - but what really affects them day to day is clients and associates who display a lack of respect toward design, be it the designer themself or the processes and methods involved.

The attitude of 'anyone is a designer' is a damaging one and by und.ermining the importance of such an influential and important aspect of a companies public persona, the client risks offending a vast community of talented and creative individuals. There are many online sites dedicated to "Black Lists" or "Endless Invoices" that document and shame awful clients, some high profile.

At the end of the day, design, like anything, can be simplified and down played. But it is more than the sum of its parts. It is intrinsically tied to the designers imagination, lived experiences, emotions, ideas. The ethics of a designer are important, and help them channel their creative process into a tangible, final product, and if this isn't respected, the the end result will be disappointing.

Adam Robson Key Texts

I read through this and is gave me some insight into ethics in graphic design.


Lynsey kindly lent me this good about copy writing in the music industry, so I read through in but did not find and links into the design world so this was not very useful.


I also got given photocopies of documents about copy writing but this was also a dead end.
Okay so seeing as how it's hand in date tomorrow i'll put up my reading list / bibliography:
(Also, if you have time skim some of these journals, they are well worth a read)

Graphic Subversion: The Spirit of Art and the Capitalist Ethic.
Basically, Pierson explores the idea of design existing in a regulated capitalist structure and how this
is both damaging for the designer and their designs.

Toward an Horizon in Design Ethics.
Not a light read but it hints that the designer gives the design it's moral sitting, and that ethics provides a designer with a much needed ability for opinion outside of aesthetics and practicality.

What Values in Design? The Challenge of Incorporating Moral Values into Design.
Again, you have to sift through the crap but the best points are in relation to how opinion is subjective and that there is no way to measure ethics 

* GOOD; An introduction to Ethics in GraphicDesign 
- recommend this to everyone to read!

- (personal insights)

http://www.creativefluff.com/designs/design-ethics/opinion-design-horse-sht-people-dumb-shts/ - (strongly worded rant defending the role of the designer)

*http://www.andrewkelsall.com/what-who-wouldnt-design-for/ -
(must read)


Ever wondered what more established designers think?


-Very interesting read, interestingly touching back on the subject of how if the client doesn't respect the role of a designer then it is unethical to work for them (not to mention a pain in the arse)

Also, there's a good quote from a religious designer:

"As a Christian designer, let’s say that there’s a whole lot of stuff I won’t design for—basically, I won’t promote anything against what is taught in God’s word, the Holy Bible. Apart from this, there’s certain doctrinal beliefs even from other Christians that I won’t design for. I’m more “picky” than most, I reckon."
"Yeah, this costs me clients and money, but no amount of money is worth betraying my beliefs or principles."